asj - blog topicsBy now, you know you need a blog. You know a blog can drive traffic to your site, which means more clients and candidates. A blog can build up your online presence and supplement what you’re doing on Twitter and LinkedIn. But you might be wondering what you should blog about. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here are seven topics and tips to get you started (or re-started) on your blogging adventure.


The Sexy Seven

  1. Who are you? Yeah, you talk about your company on your site’s About Us page. But people want a personal connection. Go more in depth. Talk about how you started, who works with you, and what your core beliefs and principles about the company are. Describe your agency’s purpose and what differentiates you from all the other staffing agencies out there.
  1. What do you offer? Don’t just talk about the different services you feature, give tips on how to make the most of those services. What information should a client have before calling you? What does a candidate need to know before stopping in for an interview?
  1. What’s happening in the industry? Why not blog about industry trends people should be considering. This could be an analysis of the general job market or specific to the industry you serve exclusively. Are things looking up or down? Tell your followers how they can best prepare.
  1. What’s happening with you? Let your readers know when you’re going to a trade show or career fair, and they might show up to visit you. Did you pick up any information there that would prove useful to candidates who couldn’t make it? Post it on your blog.

Your company might change by expanding and hiring more employees or by narrowing in on the niche it knows best. Maybe a media outlet featured you. Share your agency’s successes, processes, and journeys.

  1. How should they…? Help a candidate prepare for a stellar interview, by explaining how to conquer nerves, answer common questions, or craft a polished résumé. Tell clients how they can help new or temporary employees fit into their company’s culture or how they can determine what kind of employee they need.

You could do another blog post in which you answer a series of short questions people have asked, whether they’re common questions or more unusual ones that didn’t make it to your FAQs.

  1. What can you give away? Can you hold a contest? Celebrate your agency’s fifth anniversary by giving away five e-books on how to write an interview-winning cover letter or by offering discounts to the first five clients who comment on this post.
  1. What can you show in photos? Millennials love visual content. Give a photo or video tour of your office or the companies where you’ve successfully placed candidates. Feature each of your employees, so people feel like they know your company and are more comfortable coming to you. This type of post also works great on Facebook or Instagram.

Still stumped for topics? ASJ can blog for you. Maybe you’re full of thoughts but don’t have time to write. Contact us today, and we’ll be glad to turn those ideas into reality.