One of the most challenging, and most important, parts about content marketing is figuring out what brings in readers. Perhaps you are a faithful tracker of your blog statistics, you check your metrics, and you post frequently. So why is your readership still in the rut?

Staffing Firm Blogging ServicesOne answer might be that you aren’t attracting the right readers.

Business bloggers tend to focus too much on the numbers. It’s fine to have a readership goal, but the way to get there isn’t simply by putting out content you think will increase your metrics. It’s all about hooking the right readers. As acclaimed blogger Seth Godin puts it, write for your tribe – the people who are interested in what you have to say, what you do, and, most importantly, who will promote your content on their blog or social media pages.

Finding the One(s)

1. Stop writing to a general audience. An article from Copyblogger tells business owners to blog for one instead of 1,000. Imagine who your ideal client or candidate is like and consider exactly what he/she wants to know. What are his/her problems? For what jobs/employees is he/she looking? Has he/she been unemployed for a long time? What are his/her dreams?

Now ask yourself how you can address those problems and make those dreams a reality. Your readers are people, and people like things to which they can relate. Gearing your blog toward a specific person (even if he or she is imaginary) will help you craft a more relational blog that hooks readers.

2. Make sure the right readers can find you. Hanging out with people and sharing common experiences are ways we build relationships. Where do your readers hang out online? Be active on those platforms and share your content in the places where your target audience goes.

3. Show up at your own place. This is equally important. Be consistent with your posts so your readers know they can count on you. Whether you write once a week or twice a month, keeping a steady schedule builds your authority and readership.

Remember this: relating to your readers and providing solid content that is valuable to them, is the best thing you can do to gain more readers. ASJ Partners can help you find a new approach to your content marketing. Contact us today and put our industry expertise to work for you!