Does it matter if a few key Mills/Gen Yers say adios? I mean, with 30 million millennial employees in the U.S., so what if we lose a few this month?

I guess we lost several Mills last month too.

Hmm… actually over the past year, we’ve lost—WOW.

If you think Millennials are a dime a dozen and choose to be unconcerned when they fly the coop, that’s your business. But your business is likely to suffer.
If you’re struggling to retain those bright, eager candidates you not so long ago patted yourself on the back for recruiting, consider these reasons Millennials shove off.




1. “Things just aren’t working out.”


Which is code for “you’re not who you said you were—the job’s not what you said it was—the culture barely resembles what you described…” so, yeah, I’m moving on to new places.

Could be you tried too hard. Promised big and, frankly, padded the truth. Now that he/she is on the inside, the false advertising might as well be stenciled on the wall. You sold them a scenario that doesn’t exist. Not now at least. Maybe it’s who you hope to be in a year or five, but it’s not reality now.

2.“We like perks, and gimmicks too – sometimes. But we’re deeper than that.”

If you toss out one keep-the-mills-happy incentive after another in an effort to keep the young’uns on your team, the game will get old for both of you.
Yes, they’re into gadgety, techy stuff and honestly they do crave flexible work scenarios, but if you fail to make them an authentic component of your company and your brand, they’ll fire up the job search again.

3.“There’s nothing for me here any longer…”

Can mean a couple of different things. These eager beavers may not be getting their fill of any one or more of these areas: day-to-day challenges, chances to exercise leadership, opportunities for growth or learning, and/or advancement prospects.


Take pains to pull them into the bigger company picture. Seek their input and encourage initiative where applicable. Highlight the value of their role in the company—in a non-pandering way of course.

Take advantage of their yearn to learn and utilize their knowledge base to teach others OR in the research and development department. Check in frequently to offer performance feedback and gauge if there are areas where their skills and qualifications could be used to a greater depth.

Millennials change jobs more often than other generations, often in a quest to gain experiences, grow more, and satisfy their desire to make an impact. Give them plenty of reasons to stay on your team by making them a valued part of your agency.

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