ASJ - Why BlogTen or so years ago, the question of the day was whether a company needed a website. Today most wouldn’t consider doing business without one. Now the discussion has shifted to blogging. Do we need a blog? Is it necessary? Will it be worth the time and effort?

Yes. Yes. And yes.

Here a but a few of the many ways a blog can benefit your company.

  1. Blogging is an amazing way to tell your brand’s story. 

Every company has a story, a narrative that incorporates their “who, what, when, where, how and why” into a brand. A blog provides a great place to delve into your company’s philosophy, products, employees, plans for the future, community involvement and the list goes on. There’s no better place to demonstrate to the consumer why you’re in business and what you can do for them.

  1. Blogging gives your company a voice.

To be successful in your field, you need to be heard; you need to have a voice. A blog is an ideal vehicle for getting into and staying connected to the conversations pertaining to your area of expertise. It’s a place to talk about the how and why of new products or services, share insights on timely news topics or market trends, and reveal company plans.

  1. Blogging creates community.

Nowadays, both customer service and retention are firmly grounded in connecting with the consumer. By its very nature, a blog nurtures those connections by creating a two-way conversation with customers and industry peers alike. By encouraging interaction, comments, and feedback, a blog builds a community of similarly-minded people who want to be involved in and kept up-to-date on a particular industry or subject.

  1. Blogging provides an insight into your audience.

With the assistance of blog analytics, all sorts of helpful info can be gleaned. By tracking readers, click-throughs, popular topics, shares, and comments, you can gain valuable insight into the who, what, when and where of your current customer base. Such info will assist in connecting with future customers as well. And it’s pretty cool how you can even tell what day of the week and time of day your visitors prefer to stop by, which will allow you to create even more opportunities to connect.

  1. And last but certainly not the least reason: Blogging will drive traffic to your website.

Each blog post creates one more indexed page on your site which generates an additional opportunity for your company to show up in search engines. Blogging also strengthens your social media presence as each post has the potential to be shared on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and the like. This “sharing” can expose your business to an entirely new audience.

At ASJ Partners we understand blogging is a powerful tool to increase your organic SEO rankings and position your firm as a thought leader in your marketplace. We provide a complete turnkey solution to blogging that will meet your company’s unique needs. Contact us today for more information on our blogging services.