Branding: that complex blending of storytelling in the right tone and voice complimented by carefully chosen color palettes and font choices all fashioned together to complete a picture that depicts the organization’s vibe.

The job of a brand is to create a lasting, memorable impression that accentuates the uniqueness of the business from its competitors. A brand must also keep abreast of ever-changing trends impacted by economic forces, politics, natural disasters, and a host of other factors, as well as shifts in internet etiquette or “netiquette.” All of which impact the “how” of branding and the way people interact with brands.

So, what factors are impacting branding in 2022? What’s hot in branding trends this year?

1.     Purpose-Driven Campaigns

Purpose-driven everything has steadily gained footing over the past several years, earning leaping gains as the world battled COVID. Bottom line: folks have no time for or interest in businesses whose focus they see as only profit-driven and lacking in meaningful purposefulness.

The consumer wants to associate with businesses that are the real deal, transparent, and authentic. Companies who care about people, the community, and who take a stand to do and be better and get involved in causes greater than themselves. If it hasn’t already, expect this trend to transition from a “trend” to an everyday expectation.

2.     Adaptable Logos

Your brand is splashed about everywhere, right? On an up-to-date, well-functioning website and across various social media platforms where you have an active presence. (If not, it should be.)

That’s why a logo that can be tweaked—scaled up or down—to suit different usages and still look great will come in handy.

From brand designer Jacob Cass, “The benefit of designing logos that can easily shapeshift is that it provides visual variety for your audience while allowing you to maintain consistency in your branding regardless of the platform or layout your logo is viewed on. People can see any of the variations and instantly recognize your brand.”

3.     Nostalgia

Nostalgia has become the “new” obsession. Is it any wonder that folks find themselves longing for the way things were? As we yearn for what we view as a simpler era, favs from the past draw us back to those less complicated times. This interest in the past—the symbols, familiar icons, or cartoons of yesteryear—has seeped into the world of branding because that’s what people want to see.

“We are also seeing a resurgence of design elements and pop culture references from more recent music history, namely the 1990s and 2000s, appearing in films, TV shows, commercials, marketing materials, branding, and social media feeds,” notes the Explain Ninja team.   

4.     Bold and Muted Color Schemes

The bold-yet-muted-colors trend that impacted logo designs in 2021 is expected to continue and grow. The goal? Create eye-catching designs with softer colors that will provide consumers the sense of calm these tumultuous times beg for and also cater to folks’ who feel drawn to nostalgia.

We’re not talking about doing an overhaul of your entire brand color scheme but rather an updated, more muted version of what your branding and packaging have been. Still very much recognizable and still “you,” but a 2022 version of you.

ASJ Partners knows that branding is where it’s at. Our team specializes in branding for the staffing industry that will help your agency Sell More, Win More, Grow More, and Be Found More. So let our expert team bring out the best in your organization.