Facebook currently sits at 1.55 billion monthly active users, easily nabbing the top spot among contenders in the field of social media. Users in a single month of their popular Groups feature surpassed 1 billion as announced by CEO Mark Zuckerberg in January. This number has increased steadily from the 700 million Group users reported in October 2014. The company launched a “Groups” app last November, further boosting the popular feature.


Seriously, one of the coolest features Facebook offers is that of Groups where like-minded folks can discuss a particular “something” that specifically interests them and invite other like-minded people to join the fun. Even Facebook has a Facebook group, and it’s ranked highly on the list of most popular groups.

These groups offer a proven way to form lasting, productive connections that can be funneled into an incredible marketing tool for businesses. While some groups are more promotional in nature, many groups have constructed strict promotional guidelines because they want the focus to be centered on a specific topic rather than the sale or promotion of goods and services.

Now, wait a minute. If the group’s focus is not on the promotion of good and services, how does that constitute an incredible marketing tool?

Ah, you must not forget the number one commandment of social media marketing: it’s not about YOU. It’s about connecting with an audience, establishing and nurturing relationships, building a community. Facebook, after all, is a social network.

Forget about selling and promoting for a moment and focus on connections. Well, yes, you admit, connections are important. Yes, they are! And imagine the time it would take to build a large, connected community by way of in-person contacts. Something like forever plus a few years. But in a fraction of that time, an online community can become an active, growing network.

When a group elevates its members and how to best provide value for those members to the top priority, that’s when the fullest benefit of the group can be realized.

Let’s take writers for instance. While most writers are avid readers who probably purchase an above average number of books, how helpful would it be for a “group” of writers to exist for the main purpose of promoting their books to each other? The benefit wouldn’t be significant enough to keep most members engaged over the long haul. Interest would most certainly wane and as members dropped off, even that minimal benefit would decrease as well.

But what if those same writers chose to form a group based on “shop talk” about writing and editing books, publishing trends and sales rankings and industry news. The sharing of experiences and advice—about what laptops and software are preferred, the best resources on the craft of writing, the most successful price points—would be far more helpful to a writer’s career than the chance to “pedal” their wares, in essence, to the choir.

Come back next week for an in-depth look at the specifics of utilizing Facebooks groups as a marketing tool for your business.

ASJ Partners’ unique, customized and highly targeted marketing programs include strategies for a powerful social media presence. Our expert guidance will lead your company through the ever-changing world of social media and prepare you to seize every opportunity a strategic online presence can provide. Contact us today.