Don’t you wish marketing was easier? Is there a simple-to-understand formula a staffing firm could use in developing branding, social media, SEO, and email?
Well, there is. The roots of most good ideas are simple. Yet, somehow we manage to complicate the application of those ideas to the stifling point. No one needs or wants that kind of stress. So, here’s a way to think about the marketing process for your staffing firm.
Draw three circles that overlap each other. Label one circle “delivery of value.” Label the next one “connections of value,” and the third “capture of value.” While the circles embody defined strategies and activities, they integrate at the core. . .a core of VALUE.
The Value Power Circles
Delivery of value
If your staffing firm subscribes to a set of core values, you already recognize that value stems from your organization and affects intentions, approach, performance and results. In the same way, business begins with the value you deliver to your customers.
Connections of value
The conceptual, tactical and strategic channels you use to deliver to your customers are your connections of value. These processes include engaging customers within their respective communities of interest. It means collaborating with them to get to know who they are as individuals. You use the connections of value to “fuse” the internal and external components thus growing branding for your staffing firm.
Capture of value
As you might guess, the capture of value refers to quantifying the results that accumulate from the other value circles. The analysis of initiatives might include expanding the skills of staffing/recruiting professionals as well as engaging an experienced marketing firm that specializes in making the most of the value power circles.
ASJ Partners wants to deliver value to your staffing firm. We can help with a new Staffing Web Site or a complete rework of your marketing materials. We can also help build connections of value with industry specific social media, SEO and email marketing. All of this unique services can provide delivery of value that you can capture to compete in this fast-paced world.
If you have any marketing related questions or are looking to WIN MORE, SELL MORE, GROW MORE and BE FOUND MORE, contact us