“The smartest business decision you can make is to hire qualified people. Bringing the right people on board saves you thousands, and your business will run smoothly and efficiently.”
Brian Tracy

Not a day—barely an hour—passes without a mention of AI. While not a new-on-the-horizon technology, the places and ways to harness artificial intelligence continue multiplying exponentially. This powerful, burgeoning technology has the potential to transform a myriad of industries and, in so doing, impact the everyday lives of people everywhere. Will recruitment and staffing be one of the sectors to benefit from this innovation? In a word, yes. In a stronger, more emphatic word, it had better be.

We need to remind no one of the utter upheaval the industry experienced thanks to COVID-19 and the rollercoaster ride enjoyed (endured!) as we collectively attempt to settle into a post-pandemic world that often still feels a bit topsy-turvy. At this point, there’s no “if” about embracing what AI offers. To remain competitive and maximize potential profits, staffing agencies must remain vigilant about utilizing every tool in the marketing and acquisition toolbox. And there’s no question that AI has found a place in that toolbox.

So, let’s dig into what AI can do for recruiting and staffing. First, let’s look at the state of the AI and staffing industry relationship, as reported in the “North America Staffing Company Survey 2022: Staffing/Talent Platforms and Use of  Automation in Traditional Staffing” by Staffing Industry Analysts. Their findings noted that staffing agencies that implemented automation into their recruitment process experienced an average 20% increase in revenue in 2022. Experts project the trend will continue with an additional 33% of staffing agencies including AI technology in the very near future.

Let’s check out some specific ways AI can impact recruiting and staffing.

  1. AI can lend a huge helping hand when it comes to the time-consuming process of sourcing qualified job candidates. AI can handle various tasks that, in the past, required time-consuming, manual completion but can now be completed with automation. Forget the laboriousness of repetitive tasks and the resulting never-enough-time crunch that can significantly contribute to HR department employees’ burnout. Gather up those freed-up minutes and hours and use them to further the company’s brand and mission.
  2. AI writing tools—such as ChatGPT and Copy.ai—can ramp up the number of leads gleaned from email campaigns by creating personalized, right-delivery-timed appeals. Artificial intelligence can almost do it all, from suggesting topics to generating subject lines to creating the content of the email message. The results? More qualified candidates are seeking the employment services your agency offers.
  3. Save another chunk of time by inviting AI to screen the resumes that flow in following the uber-effective AI email campaign noted above. Utilizing artificial intelligence to analyze skills, qualifications, and experience can take mere seconds compared to the burdensome task it would be for a human. And now, there’s more time to focus on the pared-down list of best-fit candidates, more time to allot to the interview process, and more brain space and energy to make crucial hiring decisions.
  4. Speaking of interviewing, AI-powered tools can help with that, too. Convenient for both the candidate and the agency, the smooth, streamlined process served by a chatbot or virtual assistant leaves a positive “that was easy” impression in the eager candidate’s mind. In the new post-pandemic world, where everything seems to take soooooo incredibly longggggg, a fast response that keeps the process moving will chalk up points in favor of the agency simply for the excellent experience. And again, it’s an incredible timesaver for the agency, especially during periods of high-volume recruiting.
  5. Don’t tuck the AI tools away after the hiring process because AI can also help with the following items on the staffing checklist: engagement and retention. Get a jump start on issues that can negatively impact either or both by analyzing employee feedback, performance, and satisfaction. Improve engagement and retention with AI-managed training and development strategies, including maintaining a practical plan to upskill and reskill the workforce.

All the time-saving perks AI offers mean more time for the tasks best handled by a person. Imagine finding excellent candidates in the first round of interviews because the “short list” compiled using various AI tools zeroed in on the most skilled, talented, right-fit candidates. And then imagine this being the norm rather than the incredibly lucky draw. Mm-hmm. . . AI has found a forever spot in the top drawer of the recruiting and staffing toolbox.

Thriving in the recruiting and staffing industry means remaining competitive, and that requires eyes and ears tuned to game-changing insights, processes, and tools. With their finger on the pulse of this vital industry, ASJ Partners can be your recruiting and staffing agency’s best bet for navigating the complexities of marketing your brand. You owe it to your brand to see what ASJ can do for you. Give us a ring today.