Due to the high demand for candidates in so many fields, staffing agencies are thriving as companies in many industries desire the assistance a staffing firm can provide. Sourcing candidates with the expert help of experienced staffers makes sense, especially in today’s candidate-driven job market.

However, with unemployment rates near record lows, finding, recruiting, and screening talent for their client companies can present a significant challenge for staffing firms. That’s why attention to the candidate experience must get top priority.

The Namely Team delves into the concept. “In its most simple definition, it is how job seekers perceive your brand throughout the hiring process. From job description through the final offer, the candidate experience influences how prospective employees feel about you as an employer. Is the process easy and comfortable? Or is it difficult and frustrating? Their experience will not only inform whether or not they take the job but also how they portray the company to their network of future prospective talent.”

For staffing firms seeking to maintain a deep, talented candidate pool, there’s never been a more crucial time than today’s tight job market to pay close attention to the candidate experience. But agencies know this, right? Time and effort are undoubtedly going into tracking and monitoring and in general, keeping tabs on how their firm is measuring up from the candidate’s perspective.

Unfortunately, that is not happening across the board. It appears more “talking about” the candidate experience is happening than actual monitoring as 2 out of 5 staffing pros say their firm doesn’t measure it regularly. This lack sheds a glaring light of understanding on data uncovered by a 2017 CareerBuilder survey. Their findings revealed that while 93% of staffing professionals rated the candidate experience their firm provided as good or excellent, only 47 percent of candidates noted consistent communication throughout their hiring process.

Consider how you rate on these critical points of connection with prospective candidates—

Marketing spots

Are you advertising in targeted locations, where the candidate with the desired skills and education is likely to “hang out”? Are the solicitations professional, visually appealing, and complete with enough information to direct further inquiry?

Application process

Everyone knows mobile-friendly is an absolute must in today’s phone-in-hand society but don’t assume all is well with the functioning of your current process. Rather sit alongside several would-be job seekers—either real or “stand-ins”— as they complete the application. Glean their feedback on the efficiency and simplicity of the process, taking note of any suggestions they offer. Best bet: use applicants of varying ages and skillsets to get diverse perspectives.

Interview experience

From the initial inquiry to the first communication establishing a time and place for the interview to the conclusion of the entire process, a candidate should rightfully expect—

  • courteous, professional treatment
  • accurate and detailed job description(s)
  • clear and concise communication concerning the next step

The staffing firm’s attention to candidate experience initiates a trickle-down effect that will not only result in satisfied employees but also in pleased client companies whose staffing needs are met by those happy employees.

ASJ Partners’ team of staffing specialists are poised and ready to assist your efforts to rise above the crowd in the staffing industry. Let our comprehensive market solutions will help you Win More. Sell More. Grow More and Be Found More. Contact us today!