A skilled workforce has become one of the most discussed challenges facing the long-term success of all businesses—retail, service, healthcare and manufacturing. Although everyone would love to discover a quick fix, the truth is, this skills gap didn’t happen overnight and it won’t be resolved overnight.
Steps can, however, be taken to lessen the negative impact now and to make progress in closing the gap in the future. Consider what may be the instigating factors behind the skills gap your clients’ organizations are facing.
* Technology and industry innovations have outpaced training.
* The standards within the industry have experienced a sharp “rising of the bar”.
* The majority of those highly trained in a particular field are retiring without having shared their wealth of skill and knowledge.
As a superior staffing company, you work hard to not only meet your client’s need, but to exceed their expectations. Facing the skills gap is a hot issue – go that extra mile. Whether you take time for one-on-one discussions with clients or create a mini “helpful hints” video, share these proactive approaches with your clients and help them narrow the gap.
Mapping of the Business Process
A loosely defined business process may have worked well in the past, but chances are industry changes and advancements are now better suited to a more structured approach. Detailed job descriptions are one tool for keeping everyone on the same page not to mention the great asset those details will be should someone leave the company suddenly. Without a priority on mapping and understanding business process, a clear picture of the skills needed now and in the months and year to come will not be possible.
Support Training & Education
Education is a great place to start in resolving the skills crisis. Suggest your clients implement skills assessments that will measure the skill level of current staff and help to accurately determine the type and level of skill needed in future job candidates as well. Encourage them to offer user-friendly training and educational opportunities that raise the skills level and remind them of the boost in morale and performance that many studies show result from training opportunities.
Encourage Intergenerational Collaboration
Because the manufacturing and industrial sectors are heavily staffed by aging Baby Boomers, these industries have been and will continue to be hard-hit as Boomers leave the workforce. Pass along this advice: Do not allow vital details and “know-how” to walk out the door permanently, tucked inside the minds of long-time employees. Grasp with both hands whatever method will encourage the passing of industry knowledge from the elder generation to today’s workforce youngsters. Consider a type of job shadowing and in-house seminars and workshops—whatever means will encourage the passing along of processes, procedures and information.
Next week, we’ll examine the shortage of skilled laborers, the impact on the US economy, and the role staffing firms can play in this critical situation.
At ASJ Partners we ask our companies exactly what they’re looking for. We take the time to understand their needs and then put our expertise to work to assist them in reaching their business goals. Contact us today to Win More. Sell More. Grow More and Be Found More.