Okay, you say…You have a branded Staffing Firm Web Site. You have a presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Maybe your staffing firm even developed a content strategy for your marketing plan. Great, you’re headed in the right direction.


But there’s still a factor you may not have considered: your silent customer.


What is a silent customer? Your silent customer—sometimes referred to as your second customer—is one who passively supports your business. While this person may not need your services, he knows one, a few, or many who do. His subtle support benefits your business behind the scenes.


Five ways a second customer helps your inbound marketing grow


– Your second customer facilitates the hidden value of earned media through social networking.
– He (or she) actively shares your content or tweets your posts
– He might link to you in a comment on his or someone else’s blog
– He could write a review that convinces others about the merits of your staffing firm
– He might introduce new candidates or clients to you
– He could provide feedback that spurs new marketing ideas


How do you know how much attention to pay to your second customer?


Content can be shared creatively, meaning, that no one can keep track of everything, but it is possible to keep some tabs on your silent customer. To make the most of your staffing social media plan, begin monitoring your social media presence more closely.


Take note of those who share your content and take a moment to thank them for the retweet or mention. Tag them on Facebook with a “thanks for noticing” comment. Send them a few words of appreciation via a LinkedIn message. If possible, use keywords or links in your responses that will reinforce branding for your staffing firm.


The idea is to strike a balance: don’t ignore and don’t overdo. Everyone enjoys being affirmed, and doing so is a small investment in growing your business. In fact, you might be surprised how quickly your efforts will pay off.


And don’t hesitate to reciprocate in kind wherever it makes sense. Good deeds tend to multiply like good seeds.


Do you need assistance to create an effective staffing Social Media campaign that encourages your second customers? To discuss this and other marketing initiatives, contact us.