Here are the top 5 Tips to Reviving your Staffing Email Marketing.

First, look at your email marketing and say, “What’s the Point? Who Cares?” Look at it as if you got your own email to your inbox. Would you open it? Would you read it? Would you click on a link? Start with your customer in mind and what value it brings to their business or their life.

Once you have a reason to send them an email, think about how you are going to get them to open the email. This is your subject line. You measure the effectiveness of your subject line by the open rate on the campaign, the more people who open your email, the better the subject line. The most effective subject lines are very specific, offer a benefit to the reader, pique their curiosity, or utilize scarcity.

Now that they have opened your email, what’s next? Think about how many people may be opening it on their phone… totally different experience reading it on a phone than a laptop or desktop. Does the call to action send them to a page on your website, now you have to see how your website performs in a mobile environment Is it slow to load, do you have a separate mobile site? Mobile devices are changing the way we look at all marketing.

The content of the email is crucial to getting them to what you want them to do next. Is it impactful, persuasive and meaningful? Does it help them with a problem they are having? Does it move them in the direction of contacting you to utilize your product or services? Your content should be compelling enough that the reader should want to take the next steps.

Finally, are you telling them what to do next? A strong call to action is often misused in email marketing. Too many businesses just put the call to action as “Buy From Me Now” without ever really giving any value or reason to buy from you. Your call to action should appeal to the reader’s interest in your services. Give them clear directions of what you want them to do.

To recap and review your email marketing campaign here are the 5 tips:

1. Does your email add value?

2. Test subject lines to get more opens

3. Are your messages mobile friendly?

4. Is the body of the email compelling?

5. Do you tell the reader what to do next?

Not sure how to create an effective email marketing campaign? Contact us, we are the staffing industry experts!