Building a strong, active, online presence is crucial to your staffing firm’s stability and ultimate success. From a B2B perspective, clients want to affiliate with well-known reputable firms. On the other side, candidates, especially those who are highly qualified, prefer registering with a respectable agency, which will connect them to the best positions available. Create a presence that demands a second look.





This is the place to capitalize on your Name: It belongs to you – use it – often. For starters, use your exact company name in your URL. Better yet, register multiple domain names using your company name and register it as a username on all your social media platforms. The more your name is used, the easier it is to find your company in search engines.


View your website as a means to build relationships. Knowledgeable marketing strategies and high-tech capabilities are important, but they aren’t enough. Use your website to communicate with your clients and candidates. Take time to understand their needs and expectations – then follow through. A quick response time to inquiries says you care.
1. Polls and surveys: Use polls and surveys on your website, included with your job application, and/or on your Facebook page. Find out where your audience is spending their time. Use this information to focus and expand your social network.


2.Identify your audience: Who are your most profitable customers? What type of candidates do you need to attract to accommodate them? You may be reaching a variety of candidates, but cater to the most significant group. Keep your target audience in mind when you choose website design and writing style.


3.Post a blog on your website. Consistently posting compelling content geared to your target audience gains viewers. Give credit to industry influencers when appropriate.


Twitter is all about conversation, so use it accordingly. You can share visual, but focus on conversation- this is your chance to connect a voice to your brand. Give yourself a face or use a company logo and include a link that connects the reader to your website. Use hashtags: staffing, recruiting, jobs, employment, and one key word tied to topic of post. Post job openings, of course, but don’t stop there.
1.Use it as an exchange board for posting industry information. Post links to articles of interest.
2.Post information about job fairs, conventions, etc., which your company will be attending.
3.Ask questions and provide answers.


If you have any questions please contact us or call 610-930-5300. We are the experts in the Staffing Industry!