When you’re in business, the functions and processes of what you become your routines. They are as familiar as family.
However, when you’re new to something (or have only a cursory knowledge from hearing buzzwords bandied about) such as inbound marketing, it can take a little time for you to wrap your mind around what it means—especially when it applies to YOUR staffing firm business.
ASJ Partners is expert at inbound marketing.
What we do is not rocket science but it does take expert knowledge. Though the formula is basically the same for anyone in any industry, ASJ Partners customizes the formula for each staffing firm, so you really do get individualized services.
More activity strengthens your brand, and your relationships grow in the industry through the specific services you choose. Today is about being transparent to those with whom you engage. The customer holds the cards.
How does inbound marketing build and grow a staffing firm’s brand?
First, you need the kind of website that tells your customers and clients why they need you. So, the text on your website needs to engage your customers’ and clients’ emotions. Just stating what you do no longer works because they don’t care about you, they care about themselves. Talking about the facts has to be done in a way that reaches the heart of your customers and clients.
Plus, the website has to be technically smart. Keywords, meta data (e.g., page titles) and SEO information and design elements like white space and font styles along with your logo, tag line and body copy comprise the starting point for your brand.
Next comes a strategic inbound marketing campaign. How often will you post a blog? Will you do emails? Will you foster a Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn presence? How will you engage that social media audience that is waiting to learn more about you?
Sure, you’ve heard the term relationship marketing before. But inbound marketing isn’t just engagement with warm leads, it is engagement that’s well-planned, targeted and built over time. In other words, it’s based on a reputation of trust that’s earned through the relationships you’ve built with targeted individuals.
You don’t want to do business with the world, only the part of the world you can serve.
Need assistance updating your brand or building an inbound marketing strategy?
ASJ Partners can talk about growing your business with customized inbound marketing plans including SEO, emails, blogging and content development. Contact us or call 610-930-5300.
We’ll be glad to answer your questions.