Staffing Success: When it comes to forward-looking marketing, branding, and overall communication strategies, what are three tips or tactics you can offer staffing firms right now?




1. Be consistent and persistent in every aspect of your marketing. Use a variety of vehicles that articulate your unique value proposition and reach and activate multiple touch-points.
Phones and tablets are the future. Staffing firms need to ensure their Web Sites are phone compatible and formatted on all platforms. Think about creating a mobile app.  Use this technology as a platform to amplify your brand in your candidate’s phones.

Expect to customize and evolve your campaign over time. It is important to measure results, make adjustments and replicate the behavior that is working. Always keep a unified and consistent presence.


2. Keep your brand strong. Remember that your firm is unique. Don’t weaken your brand or your marketing with an off-the-shelf campaign. Further, emphasize consistency in your visual identity. Look the same every time your collateral meets someone’s eyes in print or online. Make sure you have consistency with your email signatures, invoices, social media pages, email marketing and mobile platforms.

How would you expect clients or customers to recognize you if you use different logos, tag lines, fonts, or colors with each contact? A staffing firm reduces its brand equity by showing a different identity to everyone.


3. Never fail to incorporate specific “calls to action”. Make it simple for an end-user to engage your Web Site, read your blog posts or open your email. People must know clearly and exactly what you would like them to do. Respond to that connection quickly, certainly within 24 hours. Cause that person to feel special and foster the relationship. Remember, marketing is people, not numbers.


Not sure what marketing strategy is right for you in 2013? Contact Steve to find out.