“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.”

Peter F. Drucker

 Wide-swath campaigns advertise to the masses, whereas narrowly focused promotions connect with a niche audience. Well, bigger is better, right? Or is it?

Sometimes, a dip in a small pond can be good, too! In marketing terms, implementing a focused marketing plan means “soaking” a tinier—but more interested audience—in your campaign.

While cons apply to each marketing model, each also has specific benefits. These days, many marketers lean toward more specific, targeted marketing strategies.

The perks of targeted marketing include these

  • Less money is spent when reaching out to a smaller audience.
  • Better tracking capability is attained with highly targeted ads.
  • The odds of advertising are improved when targeting those most interested in the product or service.
  • A greater ROI.

To be fair, let’s compare the pros of a wider-sweeping marketing endeavor

Broad-spectrum ads increase product awareness while using data to compile a perfect “potential customer” profile.

  • You may intrigue customers outside your target audience—and accrue data on them, too.
  • A surge in product popularity may arise from an unexpected sector.

But words like “narrow,” “specific,” and “targeted” require further definition so you can identify your product’s target audience. Nothing beats the success of a marketing message delivered to an interested audience.

By asking the right questions, you can create a profile of the folks most interested in (and most likely to purchase) a product or service. Here are some good questions to ask:

  • What age group will this product/service benefit most?
  • Does this product/service appeal more to men or women?
  • Is there a geographic location where this product/service would be most helpful?
  • What marketing medium does your target audience prefer?
  • Where do these folks “hang out” online?
  • What most influences this demographic’s buying decisions?

Now, let’s take a glance at the different types of target audiences

  • Early adopters are the people who want to be the first to try new products or services. Innovation is vital for these buyers.
  • Influencers have a position in the community or industry via blogs or podcasts. The ongoing search for content and the chance to be associated with something of importance drive influences.
  • Users of the competitors’ products or services are consumers with a demonstrated need but may be willing to switch brands. The key here is a need that must mesh, at some point, with value and quality.
  • Current users of your brand are folks who’ve already purchased your products/services. Driven by various factors—including loyalty or a belief in the company’s values—makes purchasing your product seem right.

A Targeted Marketing Success

Any talk about the effectiveness of narrow marketing plans in 2023 would be incomplete without mentioning the mega-blockbuster Barbie movie. The gurus behind this big-screen premiere struck several powerhouse marketing strategies.” First and foremost, they steered clear of the trying-to-appeal-to-one-and-all tactic. That action proved wise as this movie will not have across-the-board appeal. But those drawn by its unique allure will be all in. That’s why a bold advertising strategy worked—because they worked to understand their audience and then catered heavily to that audience’s preferences. And their efforts paid off BIG time. An everything-to-everyone advertising strategy would have watered down the movie’s appeal to its intended audience.

So, here are the takeaways for your recruiting and staffing agency.

  • Know your product thoroughly and completely.
  • Know your audience on a deep and personal level.
  • Track and study the demographics of those using your agency’s services.
  • Do the same for your current and past advertising efforts.
  • Condense the above insights into appealing marketing campaigns.
  • Give your marketing budget the best chance by making informed, strategic advertising decisions.

Speaking of wise marketing strategies, one of the best decisions your agency can make is to align your recruiting and staffing services with the ASJ Partners team. Decades of experience in creating customized, comprehensive marketing campaigns for the staffing industry has positioned ASJ Partners to be “in the know” about the unique needs of this vital industry. Give our team a ring today to see what a partnership with ASJ can do for you.