Can you remember back to the early days of 2020? January—record low unemployment. February—a general all-systems-go environment across the staffing industry. And then came the 90 days of March and the 300 days of April, toting Depression-era unemployment rates and a very real sense of uncertainty that blanketed the entire world.

Now, 2021 has arrived, ushering in hope for a return to normal life-as-we-knew-it before the pandemic. But riding tall in this new year’s sidecar is a pointed reminder that things have changed in major, fundamental ways, even irrevocable ways in some aspects, for the staffing industry. This means marketing strategies for 2021 will require tweaking at the very least and, in some cases, a rather major overhaul.

So, let’s start with these tips for putting your firm’s best foot forward in 2021.

1. Beef up your online footprint

Give your online presence a thorough examination because candidates are researching organizations online now more than ever before. Assign someone, or better yet, a team, to scrutinize your website and social media profiles. Check that the most current info is available, that all links are operational, and that the vibe is fresh and inviting rather than dull and outdated.

2. Be easily found on Google

Invest in SEO and PPC to ensure you will show up on Google, as that’s where most people start their job search. Check out Kristen McCormick’s 10+ Free Ways to Get on the First Page of Google.

3. Refresh your social media mix

Of course, you’re on the usual channels—Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. But now’s the time to branch out and be found more, by different audiences.

“Alternative social media considers sites like Mastodon and Gab instead of or beyond Twitter — Dailymotion instead of YouTube. They’re smaller but more niche, offer less competition, and by getting in early, there’s a chance that you can go big as a major recruiter on the channel,” says Dominika Albotova, IT technical recruiter at PerceptionBox.

4. Get your name out there, far and wide

Drive people toward your brand even before they begin a job search by having an active presence, and connecting with future candidates via chat forums, Facebook groups, industry-focused blogs, etc. By hanging out where the type of candidates you’d like to recruit hang out, your firm’s name and brand will be familiar to them when a future employment need arises.

5. Initiate an employee referral program or revamp a stale program

Utilize the word-of-mouth strategy—still one of the best advertising methods—via an effective referral program. In addition to bringing in quality recruits in a favorable way in the ROI department, it’s a great way to measure employee satisfaction. Because satisfied, loyal employees are the ones who recommend their friends and family to also join the team.

There’s no reason to attempt to weather the choppy waters of 2021 alone when ASJ Partners’ staffing specialists stand at the ready to guide your staffing firm’s marketing strategies for 2021. With the ASJ team and their comprehensive marketing solutions on your side, you will win more, sell more, grow more, and be found more. Contact our team today.