It’s back-to-school time across the country. And for families who may already be feeling the pinch of rising housing, food, and transportation costs, this season means those already stretched budgets must accommodate a variety of additional out-of-pocket expenses. The dollars can add up pretty fast, from clothes, school supplies, electronics, and books to sports equipment and participation fees. Take all of that times two or three students, and parents can quickly feel overwhelmed. The thing is, other expenses don’t take a break just because it’s back-to-school season. A myriad of unrelated needs and a few wants will beg for attention, further straining already depleted funds.

While companies in unrelated industries might assume this empty-wallet syndrome will negatively impact their sales, there’s no reason to throw up the white flag. In fact, a marketing approach that is both proactive, strategic, and mingled with empathy can keep non-school-related products moving off the shelf if businesses remember these three strategies—

  1. Folks will be in shopping mode, out and about, on the prowl for the variety of products noted above. They’ll also be busy surfing the web, loving the convenience of shopping from their recliner after the kiddos are down for the night. Newsflash: they will notice ads for other items as well. Both online and in brick-and-mortar stores, well-placed, well-branded, visually appealing displays and signage can entice even those whose attention is fixed on back-to-school.
  2. You know what strategies, media, and messages work best with various targeted population segments. So, use that knowledge and insight to target specific demographics, including the family-minded, parents, thirty-something adults, late-forty-something grandparents, and teachers. Personalized campaigns can really “speak the language” of those in back-to-school shopper mode. Even if what you’re selling is unrelated to educational pursuits.
  3. Make value a central theme in your sales efforts. Empathize with the parents who must gear up three students for a successful year of learning but who also find themselves in the middle of a home improvement project or challenged by car repairs and upkeep. Offering outstanding value now because you care about these trying times when families struggle to stretch every dollar will elevate your brand’s perception. And we all know that people remember who had their back during a challenging time.

Even if a mom or dad doesn’t opt into your promotion now, the fact that you were present with a relevant product and an empathetic message will resonate with them. In these days of seeking a value-conscious company that cares, folks are continually making mental notes. They’re sharing the good and the bad with family and friends to be a good neighbor and expecting to reap the benefits of others’ neighborly efforts.

So, don’t sit out this back-to-school season even if you don’t sell backpacks, computers, or sporting gear. And that goes for recruiting and staffing agencies, too. Parents who aren’t job hunting now may soon be in the market for an employment change-up. In today’s job market, most workers have their antennae continually tuned to bigger, better job opportunities and the organizations that can help them achieve their employment goals. Let them see that you understand the challenges of parenting and making the best-fit connections between employers and employees.

And while you’re striving to make those connections, let ASJ Partners whip up a marketing strategy that will keep your recruiting and staffing agency on the radar of the best and brightest employees. Reach out to us at 610.930.5300 or