Although the crystal ball for all things online related has yet to be created, we can with certainty predict this: the name of the game for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2019 will be up-to-date and optimized. Thanks to the way search engine algorithms constantly change and the fact that folks search habits do as well, we must base this critical component that determines the reach of a website on the very latest in SEO techniques. Hoping to slide by with old strategies because, hey, they worked before? That’s the one thing we can with definitively declare will not net the results you desire.

The game changed when studies revealed that mobile search activity had outpaced laptop-initiated searches. “The implementation of Google’s mobile-first index means that special weight is given to traffic generated by handheld devices. It explains why websites are so often urged to become as mobile-friendly as possible. And that advice will become increasingly pertinent over the next few years,” says Bernard May, CEO of National Positions.

May predicts apps that offer a linear, step-by-step pathway with limited choices per screen will be the most successful.

What else will impact SEO in the year ahead?

  1. Voice Search

Voice search has already found its way into everyday life via Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Echo, and other growing-in-popularity options. The convenience of speaking rather than typing guarantees that voice-activated searches will continue to gain mileage.

Optimizing for voice search includes the use of more “natural” phrasing, noting how word choice differs when one speaks rather than types, often resulting in longer phrases. The use of “long-tail keywords” will result in traffic aligning more closely with your product or service.

  1. Amazon Search

Amazon is not a universal search engine. However, that does not stop a whole lot of people from heading there first when shopping online. A study revealed a whopping 56% of consumers hit Amazon first if they’re looking to buy. And 51% check with Amazon after locating a product elsewhere, before they commit to buying.

“These figures tell us that Amazon’s becoming Google of e-commerce. Thus, if you’re a seller of books, music, electronics, etc., include optimization for Amazon into your SEO strategy,” notes SEO PowerSuite.

3.     Content Matters

Your content should meet the principles of the “E-A-T” formula—Expertise, Authority, Trust. “Every piece of content should show off your expertise and authority on the topic, leading readers to trust you over other brands in your space,” shares Becky Shindell. “‘Quality’ is not a subjective factor here; it is determined by the benefits it offers to your users. Mind you, if your content isn’t providing any value to your customers and is only promoting your business, Google will ignore it.”

ASJ Partners’ expertise in the staffing industry will uncover the traffic and keyword trends for your market. Our strategic SEO services will help you with increased rankings, conversions, traffic, and market share. Give our team a call today.