What did you have for dinner? How many times did you flick the remote on the TV last night? Should you wear the teal or the tan polo? What shoes go with that outfit?



When it comes personal style or preferences, choices are usually a good thing.


When you are trying mightily to drive attention to your staffing firm’s marketing…well, not so much.


Recently we talked about the world being a noisy place. That’s true. But a consequence of noise is choice.


And a captive audience seems an impossibility. . .


Even when you give away free stuff or offer incentives, it is tough to garner the responses you’d really like to have. Actually, it is likely not a loyalty issue but one of self-interest based on time.


Who of us wouldn’t like to feel less stressed for time?


Too many choices and too little time make it way too easy for any visitor to your site to click out, or to visit and not engage sufficiently in the information or material you’ve worked so hard to address toward their needs.


Such is the landscape of business in this age.


So how do you get an audience’s attention?


You “tease.”


We’ve all succumbed to teasing. The news media and Hollywood have mastered it.


How you use this technique is up to you. Teasing can be done tastefully. It can draw the type of visitors you seek.


Sometimes it is good to have an expert help you build your audience; someone who understands the premise of teasing in line with your staffing firm’s goals and culture. At ASJ Partners, we specializes in helping staffing firms build their online presence.


Contact us or call  610-930-5300. You will have made a great choice toward captivating your audience.