You might not think about it often, but a social media page is the first impression most people have of your company. When people find you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn, your profile description is the first place they go to find out more about your company. It goes without saying that making frequent updates and improvements is essential as it is ultimately creates a better first impression of your company.

Now let’s get to the doing part. Set aside fifteen minutes to make these small changes on each social media profile every day. Making time to do this small task will improve your branding and online reach all in one shot. Here are five steps to writing an impressive social media profile in just 15 minutes.

1. Don’t leave it blank

This is pretty much a no-brainer. If you want customers, a profile description is a must. Your description should be similar to the first thing people would see on your home page. In one or two sentences, what does your company do and what makes you valuable from a customer’s perspective?

2. Use Keywords in your description

Use industry keywords in your profile description, as they will rank highly in search engine results when people search for your name. Not sure what this is? Find SEO help here!

3. Add a link to your website

Make sure your website is front and center. Under your profile description, provide a link to your website (see examples below). BONUS: You can include the website on your personal LinkedIn and social media pages as well to expand your reach even more.


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4. Name your profile photo with your company name

This small adjustment also helps with SEO. Rename your profile photo to yourcompany.jpg as opposed to uploading IMG0153.jpg. This adds value in Google searches since Google includes images on the first page of web searches. If someone searches your company name, you will want your logo to show up on that first results page.

5. Make your picture is the same across all social media

Finally, make sure that your picture is consistent across all of your social media sites so that people easily recognize you across all social networks.

When was the last time you gave your social media profiles an update? ASJ Partners can give your staffing website, social media, and blog an expert marketing consultation to put you on the track to more clicks, likes, posts, and follows. Just click here to get started today!