“You don’t build a business—you build people—and then people build the business.” –Zig Ziglar

Ask business owners and hiring managers what keeps them up at night, and they’ll say they fear losing crucial team players. Employee retention has become the bane of every employer. And the pandemic has worsened its effects exponentially.

Given the challenge of maintaining adequate staff, exit interviews may be going by the wayside. And in some cases, they’re intentionally thrown out the window as employers acknowledge the dizzying employee turnover rate.

Regardless of how frustrating exit interviews can be, they play a key role in retaining workers. That is, effective exit interviews do. When interviews glean valuable insights instead of merely transferring active projects and collecting keys, that’s when interviews start helping you. Interviews must thoughtfully delve into the whys behind an employee’s decision to leave the company. You must demonstrate a listening attitude throughout the interview and remain fully engaged.

But before you reluctantly add, “Where are we with exit interviews?” to the bottom of your to-do list, consider this: In addition to improving employee retention, an effective exit interview strategy also impacts your brand’s reputation. In other words, examining your exit interview strategy needs to be at the top of your list.

So, consider these five strategies for establishing an effective exit interview process.

Set the stage for a productive conversation 

Strive to create a casual, relaxed, comfortable environment. Consider meeting at the corner coffee shop to give the conversation a different feel than a departmental meeting. And if possible, let the departing employee choose who will conduct the interview since this approach will encourage honest feedback. Assure the employee from the outset that you value his opinion.

Ask the right questions 

Gleaning helpful insights depends on asking the right questions—a concept that applies to many aspects of life. Targeted questions will help you discover what’s working for your organization and what needs to be improved.

  • How do you feel about the company culture?
  • How would you rate the effectiveness of our management style?
  • How did you feel about your day-to-day workload?
  • Do you feel you received adequate training?
  • What was your favorite part of working for the company?
  • What were your biggest challenges?
  • Which company perks did you most appreciate?
  • What do we do well?
  • What could we improve upon?
  • What prompted you to look elsewhere for employment?

And the inevitable yet critical question—

  • What could we have done to stop you from leaving?

Encourage the interviewer to be a listener

He shouldn’t feel compelled to respond to the employee’s feedback. It’s not the time to justify the company, the department, or the individual. Instead, it’s time to collect valuable insights and truly listen so the conversation goes where the employee chooses.

Interview every departing employee

While some companies emphasize exit interviews with top-tier employees, they avoid sit-downs with those labeled as troublemakers or complainers. This approach renders the exit interview process much less effective. A pick-and-choose approach will limit the value of collected feedback and undermine your credibility with your remaining staff. Everyone who leaves your company deserves an exit interview, so demonstrate a genuine desire to learn by letting every departing worker share their experience.

Seek insights into employee turnover 

Incorporate employee suggestions and make improvements. By doing so, you’ll gain respect from candidates in the industry, a public opinion boost, and a sense of personal satisfaction. A well-executed exit interview process can do all that for you and more. Today’s challenging job market demands employers leave no stone unturned to maintain adequate skilled workers.

And that’s where the experience and expertise of ASJ Partners can help. Their unique marketing approach has been tailored to the recruiting and staffing industry for over 25 years. Their marketing specialists will customize a campaign that custom-fits your staffing firm’s needs. Get in contact with us today at 610.930.5300 or via email at weneedhelp@ASJpartners.com.