We all hear about blogging, inbound marketing and traffic to your web site. I found this case study ( article) interesting. It highlights the importance of blogging.


The below graph shows the impact blogging can have on website traffic and Inbound Marketing.


How to Increase Website Traffic


The screenshot above shows the end traffic results for a customer in November. The customer had 550 visits through November 18th. As you can see in the image our customer received over 1,000 visits for the month, an increase of 444 visits, up 80%.


The Importance of a Blog


I’m not sharing this with you to show how great we are at getting our customers website traffic. If that were the case we would have chosen one with a few thousand visitors. The reason I’m writing this is to show you the importance of blogging.


In just 7 months this customer, who had no website or blog, managed to receive more than 1,000 visits to their website in one month. The traffic included 785 unique visitors and consisted of the following breakdown:


  • 35% Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
  • 39% Referral (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Other websites)
  • 26% Direct (People typing the URL into the browser)


While their homepage was the top landing page, the next nine were all blog posts which received almost 4x’s the amount of traffic as the homepage (blog posts combined). Some of the blog posts were from November and others dated back to when they first started blogging.


Once a blog post is created it adds a new indexed page to your website. This means as you blog your website will increase in size. Articles written years ago (or in this case months ago) will still capture the attention of people searching the Internet and using Social Media.


A solid website and blog should be the first step in creating a great Inbound Marketing program. Use the content you are creating to help with SEO and give you something to share via Social Media. Once you have generated quality content and are generating website traffic it’s time to focus on turning those website visitors into leads.


Need help with your blog or creating content. We can help. We are the experts. Contact us and put of industry expertise to work for you