The most significant question in creating a staffing social media campaign is: “What is my ROI on social media?” Since ROI is a measure of value, to define it, you first need to understand what provides value to your brand. Or, how many “Likes” on Facebook translate into a numeric value?


Because you need to understand where your consumers are spending their time, let’s take a look at some user statistics of social networks.
Facebook: 900 million
YouTube: 800 million
Twitter: 500 million
LinkedIn: 161 million
Google+: 90 million


These numbers are growing rapidly, yet it is still important to have a full branded Web presence in addition to using earned media. These masses of consumers significantly influence each other in activities and often, these activities track back to your branded Web site.


In a study of 12,000 consumers conducted by Marketforce:
80% of users would “try something new based on friends’ suggestions.”
72% make recommendations to friends.
78% indicate “that posts by companies directly influence their purchasing decision.”
42% are more willing to share negative experiences


Are you convinced that staffing social media will help you improve ROI? How do you create a branded Staffing Web site and a Staffing social media campaign that reaches your customers? If you’d like to know more contact us. or call 610-348-5805 now.