Thanks to an innovative idea back in 2007, a (#) hashtag—you know, that symbol we used to call a pound sign—turns the word or phrase that directly follows it into a searchable link. While hashtags got their start on Twitter, most other social networks also utilize this handy little symbol that allows content to be organized and sortable while also making discussions easily trackable based on keywords.
For the social media novice, hashtags may be confusing and seem totally unnecessary, but their usage has become basic, even vital, to the way communication happens online. It’s time to get up to speed with this tech-savvy communication tactic, and the sooner the better. Really, it’s not that difficult and it can be a lot of fun too.
First, a bit of history. In 2007, Chris Messina proposed, in a tweet, that Twitter begin grouping topics using the hash symbol. The idea was initially rejected. However, the practice took off after citizen journalists began using the hashtag #SanDiegoFire, to tweet updates on a series of forest fires in San Diego. Now, “hashtagging” covers anything from serious political events (#2016Elections) to sports and entertainment topics (#NFL2015) to industry news and trends (#HiringTips).
Here are the basics:
1.There’s no distinction between upper and lower case letters in hashtags. However, capitalizing the first letter of each word will make it more readable.
2. Stick to letters and numbers only. No spaces or punctuation marks, no asterisks, ampersands, or any other special characters are used in hashtags.
3.There are no preset lists of tags to look-up or memorize. Let your imagine run wild. Almost.
4.Tips for using hashtags on Twitter:
5.Don´t load up a post with too many hashtags. Settle for 1-3 tags – too many are annoying. Unless, of course, you’re going for a ridiculous or sarcastic tone – then hashtag away.
6.For everything else, simple and direct works best. Overly complicated tweets are neither search-friendly nor commonly used.
7.The @ symbol is not interchangeable with the # sign. For a direct message to a specific person, use an @ before his/her Twitter handle. A # prior to a name, while an appropriate usage, will not go to the immediate attention of the person.
Businesses can utilize hashtags in many ways.
1.To seek information: On the lookout for marketing info, sales tips, industry trends or networking opps? Hashtags makes searching for specific topics or data a snap.
2.To rally support for campaigns/events/promotions: Posts that include hashtags are a free, fast way to spread the word about the happenings at your company.
3.To join trending industry discussions: Jump into the mix and create an association between your brand and industry specific topics.
4.To initiate hot topic conversations: You can do it – go for it.
5.To elevate the status of your business to that of leadership in your industry: Spearheading discussions and the exchanging of ideas and information will establish your company as a leader.
Leverage this most popular means of categorizing content on social media to both find content and increase brand awareness. At ASJ Partners, we understand the importance of standing out from the crowd. We specialize in social media campaigns that will launch your business to the next level. Contact us today for a consultative assessment.