This time of year is important seasons for recruiters. According to LinkedIn, candidates are more active on their site during this time than any other. People are looking for new jobs to accompany the New Year, and companies are looking for employees to fill holiday openings. Keep up your A-game by staying ahead of the crowd and attracting the best candidates this season. Here are three ideas to bring in those holiday hires.


1.Post your most attractive positions

Even though your social networking strategy should be more than just posting jobs, people do look to your social sites for information. According to a LinkedIn infographic, there is a 10 percent increase in job views in January comparatively. Keep a consistent flow of new hiring information as it comes in, and give people reason to click the link.

2. Optimize status updates

There are 30 million plus students and recent graduates out there who are itching for a job. The best way to reach this age group? You guessed it, social media updates. You can hook new talent by sharing your latest blog post, article, or press release. Let your posts be relevant to your target audience and the time of year. Holiday budgets and paychecks, job searching tips, and top jobs for 2015 are three excellent topics you could use as a blog post or tweet as a quick tip.

3. Re-Engage in Retention

Job engagement and retention is an emloyment issue. Studies reveal that only a third of U.S. citizens were engaged in their jobs. Make your employment brand an integral part of your organization’s everyday recruitment and talent acquisition process. Companies who actively recruit and retain their employees are considered strong and high achieving. Don’t get so focused on new talent that you forget your pending employees. Ideally, your pipelined candidates have been interviewed for the coming year, and your recruiters are ready to match them with the ideal job opening. Assure your candidates that you are still working hard to find them a job by remaining visible and keeping contact.

The holidays are a great time to start reevaluating your staffing firm’s strategy. Contact ASJ Partners to get an expert perspective on what best marketing strategies to recruit, retain, and re-engage the top talent in 2015.

Seasons Greeting from all of us at ASJ Partners!