Today we’re departing slightly from our usual marketing tips to take a brief but worthwhile look at what the June issues of Inc., Forbes, and Fast Company are saying about leadership and creativity.


Inc.’s Venus/Mars Analogy


Inc. Magazine packs a walloping amount of information in this month’s issue. In addition to talking about the “new” leader, it profiles nine entrepreneurs under 30 whose companies and thoughts about business are as diverse as they are. But first, the title of the feature article is “Between Venus and Mars,” which is a giveaway to the content.


The article makes a case for what it refers to as once-considered feminine traits as the ones leaders should now embrace: empathy, vulnerability, humility, inclusiveness, generosity, balance and patience.


However, anyone who is familiar with Emotional Intelligence might find this information repetitive, or common sense. The impact of this idea lies in the gray areas. The leadership traits discussed in Inc.’s article are not based on proven hard facts but on perceptions, ones that can be implemented locally or globally, with people across cultures.


Forbes’ 100 Most Powerful Women


I turned from Inc. to Forbes to find a feature story on Meg Whitman and Forbes’ list of the 100 Most Powerful Women, not all of whom are moguls of industry, and several of whom are not citizens of the U.S.A. In fact, number one on their list is Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, and number two is Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s President.


Unexpectedly, Beyonce Knowles was listed as 17th and Angelina Jolie as 37th.


What catches one’s attention is the subhead: “our mission is to redefine power.” It aligns specifically with emotional intelligence and how these women make a mark on the world. Emerging from their thinking is how collaboration and innovation will affect change and sow the seeds of future success.


Fast Company’s Creative 100 list


A quick look at Fast Company’s list reveals another take on emotional intelligence in leadership. The magazine profiled what it considers the 100 most creative people in business, their “leaders” in technology, design, media, music, marketing and other industries.


Interesting is the “creative tank” shows aspects of out-of-the-box thinking, propensity to work against the tide, focus on individual experience, and acceptance of personality differences whether ADD or physical attributes.


Are you an emotionally intelligent leader?


Every leader has qualities of emotional intelligence. The question is: are you making the most of those qualities?


When you think about it, your staffing firm’s approach to branding, inbound marketing, content development and social media messaging are designed to encourage and build change just like those who may be more present in the media.


Why not talk to an expert about making your mark in the world?


ASJ Partners specializes in helping staffing firms grow their business through a variety of emotionally intelligent marketing programs. Contact us and fine about what works for your needs.
Call: 610-930-5300